Friday, May 20, 2011


Ok. This entry will describe I am quite surprise that I did not have any ideas on how should I start. GREAT! Yup. This is me, an ordinary person who loves to think that he has ability to change world. And finally, he discover that, it is not easy to change what has been written by Allah.

Argh....ayat pembuka tu mcm sedih je. Hurmm...kene ubah kot. It is a bad start. I tried to act like all of this gona be ok. It will be alright. I am pretending like something bad was not happen to me. God help me.

Huish. Itu lagi terok kot. Hahaha. OK2.. lets try. Today I wake up late. And I had sakit perot. Maybe it is because mlm td I had eaten fish curry yang dah rosak kot. Walaupon x sedap, aku bedal jugak2. PADAN MUKE NKO PAKMAN!!

It is my 3rd day at UNIKOP. I tried to change me theoretically. And I am working on it. Sampai 1 tahap, aku sedar that the fact is, we should be brave enough to take a challenge. Sometimes, it is worthwhile to allow changes. I am enjoying my working time. Hanging with new colleague, and learn on how to carry responsibility correctly. I am learning at the age of 25. Mcm haram kan. hahaha. Dah tua2 pun dok pegi belajar xkenal2 diri kot.

But, whatever I do, I still could not throw away a memory she did gave me. I am pretending like....ok, I will be doing steady in new environment, and find some one special someday so that I am happy with my life forever...ever. Hurm. Yup. I lied. Nothing has happen. It is the fact I should deal with. Aisemenn, nape laa post nie kelihatan layu jerk. Adeh. Xpe lah...lyankan aje lahh(abis keluaq semua pelat jawa aku!!)

The plan is, to make me bz with my work and I will forgotten what has been happen. Its work. But not for so long. when I am doing nothing, it will come to hunt me down again. Anyway, I did enjoy reading a few blogs. Love to know what is the writer's thinks. His overview. Her Opinion. It is great sharing a story about your self. But for me, nothings new. It will remain the same.

I guess this is the way I am spending my friday nite. Maybe. Bored is't? Absolutely!


  1. wei, gila bersepah blog ko..kemas balek! hahaha

  2. yup agreed wit huda..

    g bersihkan ko nyer grammmar...hanco..huiii!!

    guna google translate pakah??
