Saturday, May 7, 2011

~~This Is The Time~~

This is the time I miss all the smile that makes me feel alive. Her laugh sill can be heard inside of me. Where I am pleasant and happy for anything I did. She was a beauty that bring calm to the beast. And I will never forget any side of her.

This is the time where I fight my weakness and almost fail to complete the task. Where all the sudden, comes an angel thus make me wake up again. Sometime, I had a nightmare and still could portray a smile. I will never forget what I felt on that day.

This a time where I am playing a role as me inside a weird and violent world of living. I play my role, hold her tight and promise her a safety. That day, I live my life happily where all the sudden, I wake up and it was like; once upon a time.....

Oh god....why did you bring her to me when you planned to took her away without any sign?

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